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Prenatal Preparation and Birth

Support Designed For The Birth You Envision

Nurturing Postpartum Care

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Expecting parents often feel overwhelmed by all of the information and options they encounter as they prepare for the arrival of their baby

As your Doula I will support, inform and help you connect with your unique birth vision. I'll share trusted resources, evidence based information and practices designed to prepare you, mind and body, for a confident, empowering birth experience!

A Doula supported birth starts long before labor begins. It's in the shared planning and preparation during pregnancy, the exchange and flow of ideas and information, the trusted bond that is formed over time between doula and expecting parents. It's knowing you have unconditional support as you make important decisions for yourself and your baby. 

 My heartfelt desire is that your birth experience leaves you feeling triumphant, proud, and joyous!

'Kim’s compassion, empathy and knowledge gave me the tools and the confidence to prepare for the kind of birth I had hoped for' - Natalie B


'Wherever and however you choose to give birth, your experience will impact your mind, your body, and your spirit...for the rest of your life'                       


Ina May Gaskin

Kim Potvin 


I am a certified Birth and Postpartum Doula, and have continued my education and training to include:

Body Ready Method (Certified)

Advanced Mind-Body Skills Training: Coping, Resiliency, Mindful Relaxation

Spinning Babies

Comforting Touch for Labor

Infant Massage

Infant CPR and First Aid (Certified)

I attend home, birth center and hospital births, and am proud to support clients from all cultures and communities throughout Sonoma County. I provide respectful and personalized prenatal, birth and postpartum care for every growing family!

Why Hire A Birth Doula?

The presence and care of a birth doula can have a profound impact on a woman's birth experience! Research and studies have shown that having the support of a birth doula often results in:

  • Fewer medical complications  and interventions

  • Decreased need for pain medication

  • Decreased need for synthetic oxytocin to speed up labor

  • Reduced cesarean rates

  • Lower anxiety, stress, and pain 

  • Increased satisfaction with overall birth experience


Doulas & Birth Partners Working Together

Partners often have significant fears and anxieties surrounding birth giving.

In prenatal visits we have the opportunity to address and help alleviate those concerns, and to learn and practice comfort measures that your partner can offer, at their level of comfort, during labor. Having the support of a doula does not replace or diminish a partners role! Many partners are able to touch, hold, and assist with more confidence when they have the guidance, calming influence and caring support of their doula!

'From the partner perspective, Kim was as amazing for me as she was for my wife' - Cory A

Let's Connect! To schedule a complimentary consultation please call 805-305-0885 or click on the button below and complete the form

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